Wednesday, November 30, 2011


當走出了就有的框框 再往回看 會發現以前堅持的東西都不值得一曬 不值一曬
或許 這就是所謂的 進步?

姐說過的 學習是為了磨練你的學習能力 知識或許陪伴你10年20年 可是學習能力是跟著你一輩子的
這句話在這個容易面對困難的都市更顯得擲地有聲 畢竟 在這裡 才稱得上是真正的 沒人沒物 只能靠自己
或許 這就是所謂的 獨立?

人在困難的環境中 往往會爆發不可思議的潛力 激發自己真正的能力
雖然孤軍奮戰的感覺不好受 往往找不到一個可以靠的肩膀而頹廢下來 可礙於責任感卻必須完成所有的使命
咬著牙根 撐過去了 太陽升起的前一刻是最黑暗 熬過了就是艷陽高照了 不是嗎
或許 這就是所謂的 成熟?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

:目 xD

終於不需要額外的出路 我自然的感受著被你矚目
閉上眼 是我們真心在燦爛的每一幕
不需要一絲的吶喊 我知道我們的下一步醞釀中 準備上路

--- 我是華麗的分割線 ---

When you think that life is great, it usually will got better, much better than you ever imagine.
At least it happened to me. YAY!! XD

Asking silly question, get rewarded by a funny face then being bombarded by another silly question and answer all of them with silly answers, yet no body is pissed, just burst into great laughter.

I have no idea how far we can go, but as long the power of spontaneous inside us didn't die out, then there is a tremendous huge potential hiding between us, yes, you and me. XD

--- 我是華麗的分割線 ---

心跳着不只是自己的脈搏 是兩人分的快樂 和 淘氣
在你的眼中尋找自己的倒影 心無旁騖的盯著 你
不需要刻意 因為 這不是什麼而已的什麼 而已

--- 我是華麗的分割線 ---

Think outside the box.
Old school? How about [Act outside the box] then? XD

Why not? Why yes? Why me? What for dinner? Am I cute ? XD

I'm not sure when but I do find that you like to stare at me when I'm not looking at you, and you will definitely laughed when you found me found you staring at me. LOL XD

I'm not sure when but I do find that you will hang completely and stop responding at all after you ate a certain amount of food, and slowly but steadily, you infected me with that weird virus too. LOL XD

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Kiss Me Slowly

Stay with me, baby stay with me,
Tonight don't leave me alone.
Walk with me, come and walk with me,
To the edge of all we've ever known.

I can see you there with the city lights,
Fourteenth floor, pale blue eyes.
I can breathe you in.
Two shadows standing by the bedroom door,
No, I could not want you more than I did right then,
As our heads leaned in.

Well, I'm not sure what this is gonna be,
But with my eyes closed all I see
Is the skyline, through the window,
The moon above you and the streets below.
Hold my breath as you're moving in,
Taste your lips and feel your skin.
When the time comes, baby don't run, just kiss me slowly.

Stay with me, baby stay with me,
Tonight don't leave me alone.
She shows me everything she used to know,
Picture frames and country roads,
When the days were long and the world was small.

She stood by as it fell apart,
Separate rooms and broken hearts,
But I won't be the one to let you go.

Oh, I'm not sure what this is gonna be,
But with my eyes closed all I see
Is the skyline, through the window,
The moon above you and the streets below.
Hold my breath as you're moving in,
Taste your lips and feel your skin.
When the time comes, baby don't run, just kiss me slowly.

Don't run away...
And it's hard to love again,
When the only way it's been,
When the only love you know,
Just walked away...
If it's something that you want,
Darling you don't have to run,
You don't have to go ...

Just stay with me, baby stay with me,

Well, I'm not sure what this is gonna be,
But with my eyes closed all I see
Is the skyline, through the window,
The moon above you and the streets below. [Don't let go]
Hold my breath as you're moving in,
Taste your lips and feel your skin.
When the time comes, baby don't run, just kiss me slowly.

Oh, I'm not sure what this is gonna go,
But in this moment all I know
Is the skyline, through the window,
The moon above you and the streets below. [Baby, don't let go]
Hold my breath as you're moving in,
Taste your lips and feel your skin.
When the time comes, baby don't run, just kiss me slowly.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Clarke Quay 共谋一醉

真诚把眼捂住 纵情的爱只剩最后一副

一遍遍写了再写的便笺 用最真挚去感触
只想好好再一次在你身边 那温热的眼泪心跳着那一幕

太坚强得太无助 只剩什么属于自己 可以迷路

怀念的过去 化成一点一点飘落在心头变成雨珠
心痛着你没有走远 却不会在我身边的无助

一次次哭了再哭的眼角 是还想念你的我 很在乎
还想好好再一次牵着你手 说着的故事不会就这样结束

对这样的安排太无能为力的不能不在乎 只能 只剩 哭

别告诉我 不哭
我只需要一把伞 一些时间 一个人 陪我 继续 哭 :)

For Kimberly, may her loved one always be with her.

Friday, November 11, 2011





回顧過去 才會發現我們得到的幾乎是零 除了一堆一堆一堆的後悔 過錯 和 不想記起的慘痛
雖然說我們從過去中習得各種教訓 可偏偏教訓來自這一堆一堆一堆的 後悔 過錯 和 不想記起的慘痛

時間只會往前走 的道理 和 自己的雙眼長在額頭看著前面 的道理一樣 人本就應該展望未來的 因為再回顧也不會讓時間倒流 更不能改變什麼
時間能告訴你很多東西的答案 但不代表 時間能改變一切 能醫好一切的傷口

原來 不變的東西的本質 而時間讓你看清了本質是什麼

-- 待續 --

Saturday, November 5, 2011

很愛過 就 很愛過

思念流離失所 而徘徊在 曲折的門外
找不到落腳的時候 只能繼續不斷不回來
流浪在這片僅此的海 我才明了除了你的地方 居然是空白

拒絕了明白 那該如何去相信 下一章 我們本該相愛
看著海 發著呆 我又在人海迷失了自己的存在

疲憊了身心的不自在 在人海中 忽然你無處不在
舉起手手 開了口 才知道 只是一股你不存在的存在

--- 我是華麗的分割線 ---
下面的我寫的很坦白 如果你不想知道什麼 就別往下看了

我們的問題 不是不要在一起 而是還能如何在一起
我不怪你 真的 那你就別怪自己了

Friday, November 4, 2011


遺失了方向 我再一次扛起情緒 去流浪
發呆 就讓眼神自己選擇自己的方向
我學會了 相忘

生鏽的腦袋卡著 忘了轉 記憶的步伐 好慢 好 慢
不捨得打開的那扇窗 原來記載 我們多不堪
我只記得 你的眼底曾住著一片海灣 好藍 好藍

把焦點放在前面的路上 是我選擇流浪
這個海攤 少了一個人的負擔 輕鬆得讓海浪湧躍拍案
相愛 難

時間的腳步終於可以放慢 讓我看看 再看看
這窗 一早該關上 不然只會 更遺憾
是我 始終到不了那片 你心底的海岸

愛變成習慣是因為依賴 而依賴一直是習慣在的感嘆
那我只能說 這 愛 成了我們各自的責任 擱淺在各自的海灘
屬於那扇該關上的窗 我 又開始 流浪