Thursday, November 24, 2011

:目 xD

終於不需要額外的出路 我自然的感受著被你矚目
閉上眼 是我們真心在燦爛的每一幕
不需要一絲的吶喊 我知道我們的下一步醞釀中 準備上路

--- 我是華麗的分割線 ---

When you think that life is great, it usually will got better, much better than you ever imagine.
At least it happened to me. YAY!! XD

Asking silly question, get rewarded by a funny face then being bombarded by another silly question and answer all of them with silly answers, yet no body is pissed, just burst into great laughter.

I have no idea how far we can go, but as long the power of spontaneous inside us didn't die out, then there is a tremendous huge potential hiding between us, yes, you and me. XD

--- 我是華麗的分割線 ---

心跳着不只是自己的脈搏 是兩人分的快樂 和 淘氣
在你的眼中尋找自己的倒影 心無旁騖的盯著 你
不需要刻意 因為 這不是什麼而已的什麼 而已

--- 我是華麗的分割線 ---

Think outside the box.
Old school? How about [Act outside the box] then? XD

Why not? Why yes? Why me? What for dinner? Am I cute ? XD

I'm not sure when but I do find that you like to stare at me when I'm not looking at you, and you will definitely laughed when you found me found you staring at me. LOL XD

I'm not sure when but I do find that you will hang completely and stop responding at all after you ate a certain amount of food, and slowly but steadily, you infected me with that weird virus too. LOL XD

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