Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
敲碎的心 枯了一夜的思念
梦醒后 我仅剩 失眠
当眼泪流过你半边脸 我刚懂这是挂念
爱你仅剩今天 那明天 我该如何面对昨天
在心痛的瞬间停下时间 留恋 这份你的 甜
把自己葬在对岸边 用一天 好好 记着这所有和你的关联
缠绵在雨后的缘 停下脚步 我只想好好吻你的脸
月 总会圆 只有你 越来越远
心痛淹没了自己所有的梦 爱你只停在前夜回忆里面
夜早深山上仅鱼儿眠 一个人 半片叶 不倦
梦醒后 我仅剩 失眠
当眼泪流过你半边脸 我刚懂这是挂念
爱你仅剩今天 那明天 我该如何面对昨天
在心痛的瞬间停下时间 留恋 这份你的 甜
把自己葬在对岸边 用一天 好好 记着这所有和你的关联
缠绵在雨后的缘 停下脚步 我只想好好吻你的脸
月 总会圆 只有你 越来越远
心痛淹没了自己所有的梦 爱你只停在前夜回忆里面
夜早深山上仅鱼儿眠 一个人 半片叶 不倦
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
雨 湿了自己 我 漫无目的得 在想你
小心翼翼收起的记忆 不经意 再次沾染 过去
回忆 月底下在耳边 喃喃细语
抓不紧的想念 指缝间流失在夜里
地平线两端的差距 到底属于什么 玩意
风 盘旋在你影子底 是我 无能为力 这距离
一个不小心 让 心痛 这感觉打翻了 这句 我喜欢你
心 狂呼 留下我在这里
不想把 在一起 放在昨天而已
望着同一个月亮 数着星星 我只想牵着你
小心翼翼收起的记忆 不经意 再次沾染 过去
回忆 月底下在耳边 喃喃细语
抓不紧的想念 指缝间流失在夜里
地平线两端的差距 到底属于什么 玩意
风 盘旋在你影子底 是我 无能为力 这距离
一个不小心 让 心痛 这感觉打翻了 这句 我喜欢你
心 狂呼 留下我在这里
不想把 在一起 放在昨天而已
望着同一个月亮 数着星星 我只想牵着你
Sunday, November 29, 2009
心 在门外徘徊 今夜由孤单来执导
离开的心跳 流浪在海的另一角
任由意志逃跑 当 喜欢你不再只是个 问号
心 该在哪里停靠
寂寞 因为我不能拥有你的 笑
当距离决定我和你只能有这么多 我该怎么好
忍不住的眼泪 心痛自己不能更好
寂寞 把自己啃掉
总是一个人流浪 你会不是我该停下来扎营的依靠
爱你 还是该放手 让你跑
离开的心跳 流浪在海的另一角
任由意志逃跑 当 喜欢你不再只是个 问号
心 该在哪里停靠
寂寞 因为我不能拥有你的 笑
当距离决定我和你只能有这么多 我该怎么好
忍不住的眼泪 心痛自己不能更好
寂寞 把自己啃掉
总是一个人流浪 你会不是我该停下来扎营的依靠
爱你 还是该放手 让你跑
Thursday, November 26, 2009
20/11~25/11 去了砂劳越民都鲁开智中学,与当地的高一生一起办他们第二届的学生领袖训练营~
民都鲁是个小地方,人走得慢,车开的也慢,树比屋子多,就是人情味特别厚,热情特别高涨~ =)
下了飞机就直接到开智了,他们的校园大约是半个中华大,学生却大约只有500人,真好喲~ XD
心中暗爽一下~ XD
第一次发现民都鲁人因为福州人居多的关系连带华语也变得很可爱去~ XD
同时后,他们绝大部分的人都对广东话不熟悉~ XD
『好的不“谢”,坏的“谢”,来"谢"校做莫?』珊妤名言~ XD
过后在啊佳带领下我么一起试玩了团康游戏,而我也『当机立断』决定要守『水球』一站,因为光想到营员落汤鸡似的的样子就让我好兴奋~ (请不要说变态~ XD)
下午,今天的重头戏 -- 团康游戏《大地游戏》来咯~
看着他们一脸疑惑的样子,是在好笑~ XD
最后一轮是比吃西瓜,我这个人这辈子没试过吃西瓜吃得这么痛苦··· =.=
『 因为要斗快把西瓜啃完 』
晚上的课程没听到,因为啊Wing把大家叫了出来,研究研究我们中华人和开智人的差别,而我则因为抢mic被慧慧念一轮来~ >.<
『 打瞌睡的林一个原因在课程内容听过,新鲜感不够~ 』
晚上的《才华横溢》让我对开智人刮目相看,真的没想到原来开智人也有这么『放』的时候~ XD
虽然每组都在演话剧,但每一组都让我差点就笑破肚皮~ XD
今天是营的最后一天,而我因为绝对的睡眠不足,让我错过了整个早上的节目 >.<
『 陪我的珊妤,呆到三点的紫欣也是 』
饭后回到学校,中华人挑战了『扑克牌重排』游戏,在进阶版(会有若干数量的牌不见掉,排完后要报出不见之牌数)下得到22秒佳绩,掌声鼓励鼓励~ XD
但是方老师,銘毅主演,慧慧拍摄,啊Wing主导的惊爆《2012之番外篇》震撼全场~ XD
『方老师甚至要收銘毅为徒呢~ XD 』
然后再次是董事们请客吃饭,真是谢啦~ ^.^
民都鲁是个小地方,人走得慢,车开的也慢,树比屋子多,就是人情味特别厚,热情特别高涨~ =)
下了飞机就直接到开智了,他们的校园大约是半个中华大,学生却大约只有500人,真好喲~ XD
心中暗爽一下~ XD
第一次发现民都鲁人因为福州人居多的关系连带华语也变得很可爱去~ XD
同时后,他们绝大部分的人都对广东话不熟悉~ XD
『好的不“谢”,坏的“谢”,来"谢"校做莫?』珊妤名言~ XD
过后在啊佳带领下我么一起试玩了团康游戏,而我也『当机立断』决定要守『水球』一站,因为光想到营员落汤鸡似的的样子就让我好兴奋~ (请不要说变态~ XD)
下午,今天的重头戏 -- 团康游戏《大地游戏》来咯~
看着他们一脸疑惑的样子,是在好笑~ XD
最后一轮是比吃西瓜,我这个人这辈子没试过吃西瓜吃得这么痛苦··· =.=
『 因为要斗快把西瓜啃完 』
晚上的课程没听到,因为啊Wing把大家叫了出来,研究研究我们中华人和开智人的差别,而我则因为抢mic被慧慧念一轮来~ >.<
『 打瞌睡的林一个原因在课程内容听过,新鲜感不够~ 』
晚上的《才华横溢》让我对开智人刮目相看,真的没想到原来开智人也有这么『放』的时候~ XD
虽然每组都在演话剧,但每一组都让我差点就笑破肚皮~ XD
今天是营的最后一天,而我因为绝对的睡眠不足,让我错过了整个早上的节目 >.<
『 陪我的珊妤,呆到三点的紫欣也是 』
饭后回到学校,中华人挑战了『扑克牌重排』游戏,在进阶版(会有若干数量的牌不见掉,排完后要报出不见之牌数)下得到22秒佳绩,掌声鼓励鼓励~ XD
但是方老师,銘毅主演,慧慧拍摄,啊Wing主导的惊爆《2012之番外篇》震撼全场~ XD
『方老师甚至要收銘毅为徒呢~ XD 』
然后再次是董事们请客吃饭,真是谢啦~ ^.^
Saturday, November 14, 2009
黑到鬼酱的星期六 -- 14/11
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
如果我说我还喜欢你 时间还会重来吗?
回忆 随风流浪在心底的某一个 夜
撑起帆的思念 启航找寻我努力去忘记的那一页
踏着皎洁的月 一个人细细数着 两个人的 圆 与 缺
静静挖掘 那份亲手埋葬的 感觉
手心的这句爱你 惹满了灰尘 厚厚一叠
当年被遗漏的道别 在心底 打了结
当初说不出口的不舍得 在心底 不曾凋谢
是我 让爱滑出指尖 随风飘曳 心痛今天才把我撕裂
让我再轻擦你眼角的眼泪 让我收起这道别 就让我陪你看这海边的月
故事不该停在这里 向观众道谢
淡淡 懒懒 的忧伤洒在这写着我还爱你的这一切
如果我说我还喜欢你 时间还会重来吗?
撑起帆的思念 启航找寻我努力去忘记的那一页
踏着皎洁的月 一个人细细数着 两个人的 圆 与 缺
静静挖掘 那份亲手埋葬的 感觉
手心的这句爱你 惹满了灰尘 厚厚一叠
当年被遗漏的道别 在心底 打了结
当初说不出口的不舍得 在心底 不曾凋谢
是我 让爱滑出指尖 随风飘曳 心痛今天才把我撕裂
让我再轻擦你眼角的眼泪 让我收起这道别 就让我陪你看这海边的月
故事不该停在这里 向观众道谢
淡淡 懒懒 的忧伤洒在这写着我还爱你的这一切
如果我说我还喜欢你 时间还会重来吗?
Monday, November 9, 2009
Junny 生日,高了个 pool-side party,整个生日会记忆犹新的是有两件事~
结果流了整身汗,和被丢进泳池差别不大··· =.=
倒是诗义“好像长高”了~ 0.o
哦不,是高跟鞋的功劳~ XD
最后是给他弟弟的一句“对不起大完啊?”『炸到···』 =.=
我和你 是 靠得那么近
为什么还是落得一个人 没门近
结果流了整身汗,和被丢进泳池差别不大··· =.=
倒是诗义“好像长高”了~ 0.o
哦不,是高跟鞋的功劳~ XD
最后是给他弟弟的一句“对不起大完啊?”『炸到···』 =.=
我和你 是 靠得那么近
为什么还是落得一个人 没门近
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Went Sunway lagoon this Thursday with wendy, MT, Jace and Junny.
Have a lot of fun there by getting wet and cold, nice feeling to walking ard with dripping clothes~ XD
Btw, we played all the attraction in the park, except Wendy because of "Height-phobia"...
360 degree turn of pirate ship, several G of the coaster's thrill...
Its been a long time didn't felt the adrenalin gush in my veins.
Btw, something funny happened when we decided to burry Junny alive at the surf beach.
Because she is so "he", we made a sculpture of a sexy woman for her, typically with thin waist and big breast.
Then a foreign tourist that was interested at our job came by to have a closer look. She smiled so happily at our art piece and quickly grab her DC to have some picture, with Junny alone and with Junny. Her friend later found out what happened and come to join for picture.
Before they leave, she grabbed a handful of sand and make Junny "sand-breast" bigger. We all laughed non-stop, leaving Junny alone, kinda of embarrassed. And finally we feel happy with our art piece, Junny get herself out of the sand and turn alive.
Just like one of the Thriller MV scene. XD
And today, its my graduation day.
Vince, Kuan, SanTing cried.
Others are quite high, running here and there to look for some final hug from teachers and friends.
I let my friend to sign on my white shirt, and we took a lot of picture, i like the one i carry Vince in my arm~ XD
(Hope that i didn't scared her too much~)
And now, i'm kinda free..
Nth to do for at least two following months.
So, do you want to have a date with me?
(You know who this "YOU" that i meant)
Anywhere, anytime, anything...
Movie, BBQ, Karaoke, Dinner, YUMCHA even charity works~
Hope to hear you soon~
Have a lot of fun there by getting wet and cold, nice feeling to walking ard with dripping clothes~ XD
Btw, we played all the attraction in the park, except Wendy because of "Height-phobia"...
360 degree turn of pirate ship, several G of the coaster's thrill...
Its been a long time didn't felt the adrenalin gush in my veins.
Btw, something funny happened when we decided to burry Junny alive at the surf beach.
Because she is so "he", we made a sculpture of a sexy woman for her, typically with thin waist and big breast.
Then a foreign tourist that was interested at our job came by to have a closer look. She smiled so happily at our art piece and quickly grab her DC to have some picture, with Junny alone and with Junny. Her friend later found out what happened and come to join for picture.
Before they leave, she grabbed a handful of sand and make Junny "sand-breast" bigger. We all laughed non-stop, leaving Junny alone, kinda of embarrassed. And finally we feel happy with our art piece, Junny get herself out of the sand and turn alive.
Just like one of the Thriller MV scene. XD
And today, its my graduation day.
Vince, Kuan, SanTing cried.
Others are quite high, running here and there to look for some final hug from teachers and friends.
I let my friend to sign on my white shirt, and we took a lot of picture, i like the one i carry Vince in my arm~ XD
(Hope that i didn't scared her too much~)
And now, i'm kinda free..
Nth to do for at least two following months.
So, do you want to have a date with me?
(You know who this "YOU" that i meant)
Anywhere, anytime, anything...
Movie, BBQ, Karaoke, Dinner, YUMCHA even charity works~
Hope to hear you soon~
Monday, October 26, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Let It Go - Brit & Alex
Step, clap
Step, step, clap
Sssstep, clap
Step, step, clap
Sssstep, clap
Step, step, clap
Sssstep, clap
Step, step, clap
I was on the outside (lookin in)
Wondering where do I (go from here)
I wanna show the world my (time is now)
I won't hold back
I'm comin out
Because tonight I'm so inspired
I feel the beat it takes me higher
To break free is my desire
This is the new me
I just wanna let it go, let it go, let it go
I'm about to let it go, let it go, let it go
Let, let it go
Let,let it go
Gonna lose your mind
Just let it go, let it go
I just wanna let it go, let it go, let it go
I'm about to let it go, let it go, let it go
Let, let it go
Let, let it go
Let, let it go
I took a bite of freedom (it taste so sweet)
Now that I know (my body's being released)
I can't go back to who I was before
I'm walking through this open door
Because tonight I'm so inspired
I feel the beat it takes me higher(higher)
To break free is my desire
This is the new me
I just wanna let it go, let it go, let it go
I'm about to let it go, let it go, let it go
Let, let it go
Let,let it go
Gonna lose your mind
Just let it go, let it go
I just wanna let it go, let it go, let it go
I'm about to let it go, let it go, let it go
Let, let it go
Let, let it go
Let, let it go
I know that
I can't let
All the fear inside take over me
Gotta take control of what's in front of me
1,2 can't nobody hold me
3,4 drop it to the floor
5,6 make your body twist
Let it go like this
Let it go like this
I just wanna let it go, let it go, let it go
I'm about to let it go, let it go, let it go
Let, let it go
Let,let it go
You can lose your mind
Just let it go, let it go
I just wanna let it go, let it go, let it go
I'm about to let it go, let it go, let it go
Let, let it go
Let, let it go
Let, let it go
Sssstep, clap
Step, step, clap
Sssstep, clap
Step, step, clap
Sssstep, clap
Step, step, clap
Sssstep, clap
Step, step, clap
Damn like this movie~
Damn like this song~
Step, step, clap
Sssstep, clap
Step, step, clap
Sssstep, clap
Step, step, clap
Sssstep, clap
Step, step, clap
I was on the outside (lookin in)
Wondering where do I (go from here)
I wanna show the world my (time is now)
I won't hold back
I'm comin out
Because tonight I'm so inspired
I feel the beat it takes me higher
To break free is my desire
This is the new me
I just wanna let it go, let it go, let it go
I'm about to let it go, let it go, let it go
Let, let it go
Let,let it go
Gonna lose your mind
Just let it go, let it go
I just wanna let it go, let it go, let it go
I'm about to let it go, let it go, let it go
Let, let it go
Let, let it go
Let, let it go
I took a bite of freedom (it taste so sweet)
Now that I know (my body's being released)
I can't go back to who I was before
I'm walking through this open door
Because tonight I'm so inspired
I feel the beat it takes me higher(higher)
To break free is my desire
This is the new me
I just wanna let it go, let it go, let it go
I'm about to let it go, let it go, let it go
Let, let it go
Let,let it go
Gonna lose your mind
Just let it go, let it go
I just wanna let it go, let it go, let it go
I'm about to let it go, let it go, let it go
Let, let it go
Let, let it go
Let, let it go
I know that
I can't let
All the fear inside take over me
Gotta take control of what's in front of me
1,2 can't nobody hold me
3,4 drop it to the floor
5,6 make your body twist
Let it go like this
Let it go like this
I just wanna let it go, let it go, let it go
I'm about to let it go, let it go, let it go
Let, let it go
Let,let it go
You can lose your mind
Just let it go, let it go
I just wanna let it go, let it go, let it go
I'm about to let it go, let it go, let it go
Let, let it go
Let, let it go
Let, let it go
Sssstep, clap
Step, step, clap
Sssstep, clap
Step, step, clap
Sssstep, clap
Step, step, clap
Sssstep, clap
Step, step, clap
Damn like this movie~
Damn like this song~
Monday, October 12, 2009
多少年 地球才老去
杯底残留的暖意 提醒我 外头正下雨
这些年 风风雨雨
爱你 最后还是变成过去 是时候收起
回忆一个不经意 在老店里不小心打翻了一地的 过去
看着收音机放肆的在伤口上撒盐 是我自己
原来 我还想着你
就让约定随风而去 我没关系 就让谁来爱你
杯底残留的暖意 提醒我 外头正下雨
这些年 风风雨雨
爱你 最后还是变成过去 是时候收起
回忆一个不经意 在老店里不小心打翻了一地的 过去
看着收音机放肆的在伤口上撒盐 是我自己
原来 我还想着你
就让约定随风而去 我没关系 就让谁来爱你
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Is It You - Cassie
I'm looking for a lover not a friend
Somebody who can be there when I need someone to talk to
I'm looking for someone who won't pretend
Somebody not afraid to say the way they feel about you
And I'm looking for someone who understands how I feel,
Someone who can keep me real and who knows always
Baby I like to have you in my way
And I'm looking for someone who takes me there,
Wants to share, shows he cares
Thinking on the one that I've been waiting for
Is it you? Is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?
Is it you? Is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me? (Could you be?)
Could you be the one I need?
I'm looking for someone to share my pain (Uh)
Someone who I can run to, who would stay with me when it rains
Someone who I can cry with trough the night
Someone who I can trust who's hardest right
And I'm looking for someone
And I'm looking for someone who understands how I feel,
Someone who can keep me real and who knows always
Baby I like to have you in my way
And I'm looking for someone who takes me there,
Want to share, shows he cares
Thinking on the one that I've been waiting for
Is it you? Is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?
Is it you? Is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be this one I need?
Take for grant
How much I care (How much I care)
And appreciates that I'm there
Someone who listens
And someone I can call who isn't afraid of thought to share
Is it you? Is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?
Is it you? Is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?
Somebody who can be there when I need someone to talk to
I'm looking for someone who won't pretend
Somebody not afraid to say the way they feel about you
And I'm looking for someone who understands how I feel,
Someone who can keep me real and who knows always
Baby I like to have you in my way
And I'm looking for someone who takes me there,
Wants to share, shows he cares
Thinking on the one that I've been waiting for
Is it you? Is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?
Is it you? Is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me? (Could you be?)
Could you be the one I need?
I'm looking for someone to share my pain (Uh)
Someone who I can run to, who would stay with me when it rains
Someone who I can cry with trough the night
Someone who I can trust who's hardest right
And I'm looking for someone
And I'm looking for someone who understands how I feel,
Someone who can keep me real and who knows always
Baby I like to have you in my way
And I'm looking for someone who takes me there,
Want to share, shows he cares
Thinking on the one that I've been waiting for
Is it you? Is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?
Is it you? Is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be this one I need?
Take for grant
How much I care (How much I care)
And appreciates that I'm there
Someone who listens
And someone I can call who isn't afraid of thought to share
Is it you? Is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?
Is it you? Is it you?
Maybe you're the one I've been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?
Saturday, October 3, 2009
十月二 - 自诉
体内流着不属于自己的血,很冷漠 却一点也不陌生。
体内流着不属于自己的血,很冷漠 却一点也不陌生。
Sunday, September 27, 2009
墨色的夜溶在杯底 默默在调配一杯涩涩的 美味
没有太多的点缀 只有纯纯的 滋味
带点初恋那种酸酸的香味 迷人 其实也是一种 罪
沉沦在你给的暧昧 搅拌着看不见底的 无怨无悔
一杯微微发烫的 黑 咖 啡 散发一种属于 夜 的 美
一个人 一杯黑咖啡 一个晚上 一种陶醉
没有太多的点缀 只有纯纯的 滋味
带点初恋那种酸酸的香味 迷人 其实也是一种 罪
沉沦在你给的暧昧 搅拌着看不见底的 无怨无悔
一杯微微发烫的 黑 咖 啡 散发一种属于 夜 的 美
一个人 一杯黑咖啡 一个晚上 一种陶醉
Thursday, September 17, 2009
今夜 好深
自问对爱没天份 也对温柔少了几份认真
留给对方的 总是伤痕
当爱你 只剩心疼
牵着你的手 只有冷
今夜 已深
爱上的太多责任 承诺得谁来承认
满脸 竟是泪痕
当爱只剩 恨
心疼 你的不闻不问
装上半天黄昏的桌灯 点着不属于我们的缘分
爱你 我很认真 可惜 少了点天真
自问对爱没天份 也对温柔少了几份认真
留给对方的 总是伤痕
当爱你 只剩心疼
牵着你的手 只有冷
今夜 已深
爱上的太多责任 承诺得谁来承认
满脸 竟是泪痕
当爱只剩 恨
心疼 你的不闻不问
装上半天黄昏的桌灯 点着不属于我们的缘分
爱你 我很认真 可惜 少了点天真
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
1/9 - A day b4 the nightmare
Suddenly felt that i should type this passage in English.
No why, no reason, just a feeling.
Today rained for a full 8 hours, not really cat and dogs but little drips.
Its cool its quite and i like it much.
i though it was a good day for me, as a repayment for me due to the end of my holiday.
When the school session finally ends, its my job to fetch my little sis.
When i'm on the way to my sister's school, my luck ended up there.
My tires blown.
After all, its nth big.
I knew how to change it by myself.
Manage to get it done and make the car roll again in 20mins.
In the "Changing Process", a lot of pass-byers looked at me.
AND there is no1 stop by and offer me their help.
BTW, i can mange it just curios about that: ISN'T Malaysian is helpful?
(if it is, why the road is always get jammed?)
In the end, i concluded that no1 is willing to offer a help because of the following issue:
1 - I'm driving a MYVI (the result may varies IF i'm driving a car which is higher in value)
2 - I'm a boy ( NTH to complain about this ~ )
3 - I'm in student uniform ( Which means I will NOT repay an1 that offer me their help )
How about u?
No why, no reason, just a feeling.
Today rained for a full 8 hours, not really cat and dogs but little drips.
Its cool its quite and i like it much.
i though it was a good day for me, as a repayment for me due to the end of my holiday.
When the school session finally ends, its my job to fetch my little sis.
When i'm on the way to my sister's school, my luck ended up there.
My tires blown.
After all, its nth big.
I knew how to change it by myself.
Manage to get it done and make the car roll again in 20mins.
In the "Changing Process", a lot of pass-byers looked at me.
AND there is no1 stop by and offer me their help.
BTW, i can mange it just curios about that: ISN'T Malaysian is helpful?
(if it is, why the road is always get jammed?)
In the end, i concluded that no1 is willing to offer a help because of the following issue:
1 - I'm driving a MYVI (the result may varies IF i'm driving a car which is higher in value)
2 - I'm a boy ( NTH to complain about this ~ )
3 - I'm in student uniform ( Which means I will NOT repay an1 that offer me their help )
How about u?
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
原来 你眼底住着一片海
带点忧郁装起来的可爱 是属于不自信的自白
酸酸的不对称年代 仅有的 一份 特卖
努力得 去 爱
很不自然得却很自在 因为不想再说再来 自己让自己忘了眼泪的存在
可是 当沉默最终被打开 梦还是会醒来
是 痛 在关怀
同一份感情 同一份遗憾 同一份不应该
因为 你眼底住着一片海
原来 你眼底住着一片海
带点忧郁装起来的可爱 是属于不自信的自白
酸酸的不对称年代 仅有的 一份 特卖
努力得 去 爱
很不自然得却很自在 因为不想再说再来 自己让自己忘了眼泪的存在
可是 当沉默最终被打开 梦还是会醒来
是 痛 在关怀
同一份感情 同一份遗憾 同一份不应该
因为 你眼底住着一片海
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Never Say Never
There's some things we don't talk about
Rather do without and just hold the smile
Falling in and out of love
Ashamed and proud of together all the while
You can never say never
Why we don't know when
Time and time again
Younger now than we were before
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Picture you're the queen of everything
As far as the eye can see under your command
I will be your guardian when all is crumbling
Steady your hand
You can never say never
Why we don't know when
Time, time and time again
Younger now then we were before
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
We're pulling apart and coming together again and again
We're growing apart but we pull it together
Pull it together, together again
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Rather do without and just hold the smile
Falling in and out of love
Ashamed and proud of together all the while
You can never say never
Why we don't know when
Time and time again
Younger now than we were before
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Picture you're the queen of everything
As far as the eye can see under your command
I will be your guardian when all is crumbling
Steady your hand
You can never say never
Why we don't know when
Time, time and time again
Younger now then we were before
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
We're pulling apart and coming together again and again
We're growing apart but we pull it together
Pull it together, together again
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Saturday, August 8, 2009
你 她
Suddenly feel that I should add something and also suddenly feel maybe I should use English (Maybe just because someone keep complaint on my blog that is without English)
Quite a quarrel with my parents recently about my postgraduates destination.
Before that, feeling that myself isn't really a PRO in studying and decide to take course in Malaysia's private U but get a BIG deny from my parents.
A lot of reasons, of course, but none of them really make me to feel that stay on my homeland is a big mistake for me and for my future .
Yes, I admit that i like the world outside there, freedom, creativity and innovation that for sure will drove me high in the sky.
But the fact is, this is my homeland. My home is here, my parents is here, my friends is here.
You can say me as a coward of because refusing to step out the box and I won't deny it. I LOVE to stay IN here.
But I knew that the result will not change after all.
Furthermore, also quite a quarrel with her.
What a blue week for me.
Suddenly feel that I should add something and also suddenly feel maybe I should use English (Maybe just because someone keep complaint on my blog that is without English)
Quite a quarrel with my parents recently about my postgraduates destination.
Before that, feeling that myself isn't really a PRO in studying and decide to take course in Malaysia's private U but get a BIG deny from my parents.
A lot of reasons, of course, but none of them really make me to feel that stay on my homeland is a big mistake for me and for my future .
Yes, I admit that i like the world outside there, freedom, creativity and innovation that for sure will drove me high in the sky.
But the fact is, this is my homeland. My home is here, my parents is here, my friends is here.
You can say me as a coward of because refusing to step out the box and I won't deny it. I LOVE to stay IN here.
But I knew that the result will not change after all.
Furthermore, also quite a quarrel with her.
What a blue week for me.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
1. What have you been doing recently?
Exam-ing (by avg, 3 times a week)
2. Do you ever turn your hand phone off?
Nope(not even a chance that my phone's battery dries off~)
3. What happened at 10am today?
Crunching through Malay word in dad's video for goverment
4. When did you last cry?
LONG time ago
5. Believe in Fate/ Destiny?
I believe that fate is IN our own hand that build what we so CALLED destiny TO BE fulfill.
6. What do you want in life now?
More excitement (kinda like the feel of adrenalin rush)
7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or put up your hood?
I'll let the rain to wet my hair.
8. What's your favorite thing to do in bed?
Staring nowhere thinking of nothing
9. What bottoms are you wearing now?
Black pant
10. What are the nicest thing in your inbox?
Sweet memories with my darling
11. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
I'm kinda complicated but I'm surly prefer a more simple girl.
12. Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
Now? Nope.
Occasionally, yes.
13. What was the last movie you caught?
Transformer 2: Revenge of the Fallen
14. What are you proud of?
My capability to cope most difficult circumstances.
15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say and who is it from?
2009 CNY greetings from a friend
16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
Let it GO -- Cavo
Original Soundtrack of Transformer 2: Revenge of the Fallen
17. Do you have any nicknames?
Ah Jun, Jun, JunJun
18. What does the newest text message say and who is it from?
She says NO!
19. What time did you sleep last night?
Around 12.30 in the midnight
20. Are you currently happy?
Not really
21. Who give you the best advise?
My parents
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
Definitely NO
23. Who did you talk on the phone last night?
24. Is something bugging you right now?
YES and there is a lot.
25. Who is the last person to make you laugh?
My darling
26. Do you like yourself?
Of course.
27. You want $5 or $10?
Where the money from?
28. Do you think you are stupid sometimes?
I always do the most suitable choice for me considerate not my clever nor stupid
29. Who is your best best best best best friend?
Locavon Wendy
30. What will you do if you like that girl?
I wont waste another second to sit and do nothing
31. Who are your favorite stars?
Jay or Soda Green (HARD to find out whom i like the most)
32. You hate your mother sometimes in some ways?
The answer is YES especially when she was unreasonable.
33. Do you had even stead before?
Yes, as alternatives although I hate it.
34. What type of girl do you like?
Nice, cute and charming.
35. Now are you single/attached?
Pass this tag to 10 people:
[ 1] Darling
[ 2] Nicole
[ 3] MT
[ 4] Amanda Lee
[ 5] Khaiz
[ 6] Rui
[ 7] Purple Yin
[ 8] Ray
[ 9] Chiwn
[10] Jackson
1. Would you date number 5?
Hang out with this guy is a GOOD idea.
2. Number 2 just got a car crash and how do you react?
I will rush to her IMMEDIATELY.
3. You see no.9 with your boy/girlfriend. What do you do?
Again. XD
4. You come home and your room has been ransacked by number 4.
Its okay. I'll have the chance TO GO her house XD
5. Number 1 is acting weird.
Something MUST disturbing her
6. Number 3 and 8 decide to give 10 a haircut.
Jackson's new hairstyle MUST be the most FASHION style i ever saw.
7. Number 7 just got a ticket for him/her and you to go to a concert.
I'll enjoy myself.
8. Number 10 takes you to a bar.
GAY BAR? NO, thanks MAN~ XD
9. No. 4 has to move to the other side of the world.
Go on for your dreams~
10. You and number 8 are being chased by the cops for an unknown reason.
Probably she is too excited when she saw her idol and DEFINITELY did something weird.
11. Number 7 and you sitting on the couch watching a movie when her/him wrap his/her arm around you.
Little girl get SCARED by the scene.
12. Number 5 ask you out for dinner.
He is boring for sure.
13. Number 9 and you are sitting on the bus.
And for sure I'll complaint a lot that she KIDNAPPED my darling.
14. Number 6 calls you in the middle of night because she/he can't sleep.
Ask her what can I do to make her comfortable.
15. You're walking with someone and number 6 runs up and tackles you to the ground from behind.
Seem just like WHAT she will do. XD
16. Number 1 is crying one day and you ask him/her why and it seems their boy/girlfriend has dumped them.
The probability of this event is even lower than WIN 10 jackpot in a row straight.
17. Number 2 offers to bake you a meal. As you sit in the other room, the kitchen suddenly aflame.
She forget to turn off the gas again. XD
18. Number 4 comes to your door one day holding a koala.
Probably another gift from her boyfriend
19. Number 4 just got u an x-box.
You are in my mind man!
20. Number 1 thinks he/she's overweight.
She always thinks like that.
21. Number 7 looks lonely.
She really needs a boyfriend that can take care of her.
22.Number 2 asks you rudely to go leave him/her alone.
Okay but I'll be there always for you.
23. Number 5 and 3 decide to throw a surprise party for you.
And this is the most SURPRISE party i ever had.
24. Number 6 decide to dye her/his hair in another color. What do you say about that?
I'll tease her XD
25. Number 7 tells you he/she is going to go out for a while, and then later you hear about a shooting where he/she went.
I'll tried my best to contact her before i try to do anything.
26. Number 1, 3, 5 and 6 all tackle at you once. Is it possible?
Probably its on my birthday XD
Exam-ing (by avg, 3 times a week)
2. Do you ever turn your hand phone off?
Nope(not even a chance that my phone's battery dries off~)
3. What happened at 10am today?
Crunching through Malay word in dad's video for goverment
4. When did you last cry?
LONG time ago
5. Believe in Fate/ Destiny?
I believe that fate is IN our own hand that build what we so CALLED destiny TO BE fulfill.
6. What do you want in life now?
More excitement (kinda like the feel of adrenalin rush)
7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or put up your hood?
I'll let the rain to wet my hair.
8. What's your favorite thing to do in bed?
Staring nowhere thinking of nothing
9. What bottoms are you wearing now?
Black pant
10. What are the nicest thing in your inbox?
Sweet memories with my darling
11. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
I'm kinda complicated but I'm surly prefer a more simple girl.
12. Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
Now? Nope.
Occasionally, yes.
13. What was the last movie you caught?
Transformer 2: Revenge of the Fallen
14. What are you proud of?
My capability to cope most difficult circumstances.
15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say and who is it from?
2009 CNY greetings from a friend
16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
Let it GO -- Cavo
Original Soundtrack of Transformer 2: Revenge of the Fallen
17. Do you have any nicknames?
Ah Jun, Jun, JunJun
18. What does the newest text message say and who is it from?
She says NO!
19. What time did you sleep last night?
Around 12.30 in the midnight
20. Are you currently happy?
Not really
21. Who give you the best advise?
My parents
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
Definitely NO
23. Who did you talk on the phone last night?
24. Is something bugging you right now?
YES and there is a lot.
25. Who is the last person to make you laugh?
My darling
26. Do you like yourself?
Of course.
27. You want $5 or $10?
Where the money from?
28. Do you think you are stupid sometimes?
I always do the most suitable choice for me considerate not my clever nor stupid
29. Who is your best best best best best friend?
Locavon Wendy
30. What will you do if you like that girl?
I wont waste another second to sit and do nothing
31. Who are your favorite stars?
Jay or Soda Green (HARD to find out whom i like the most)
32. You hate your mother sometimes in some ways?
The answer is YES especially when she was unreasonable.
33. Do you had even stead before?
Yes, as alternatives although I hate it.
34. What type of girl do you like?
Nice, cute and charming.
35. Now are you single/attached?
Pass this tag to 10 people:
[ 1] Darling
[ 2] Nicole
[ 3] MT
[ 4] Amanda Lee
[ 5] Khaiz
[ 6] Rui
[ 7] Purple Yin
[ 8] Ray
[ 9] Chiwn
[10] Jackson
1. Would you date number 5?
Hang out with this guy is a GOOD idea.
2. Number 2 just got a car crash and how do you react?
I will rush to her IMMEDIATELY.
3. You see no.9 with your boy/girlfriend. What do you do?
Again. XD
4. You come home and your room has been ransacked by number 4.
Its okay. I'll have the chance TO GO her house XD
5. Number 1 is acting weird.
Something MUST disturbing her
6. Number 3 and 8 decide to give 10 a haircut.
Jackson's new hairstyle MUST be the most FASHION style i ever saw.
7. Number 7 just got a ticket for him/her and you to go to a concert.
I'll enjoy myself.
8. Number 10 takes you to a bar.
GAY BAR? NO, thanks MAN~ XD
9. No. 4 has to move to the other side of the world.
Go on for your dreams~
10. You and number 8 are being chased by the cops for an unknown reason.
Probably she is too excited when she saw her idol and DEFINITELY did something weird.
11. Number 7 and you sitting on the couch watching a movie when her/him wrap his/her arm around you.
Little girl get SCARED by the scene.
12. Number 5 ask you out for dinner.
He is boring for sure.
13. Number 9 and you are sitting on the bus.
And for sure I'll complaint a lot that she KIDNAPPED my darling.
14. Number 6 calls you in the middle of night because she/he can't sleep.
Ask her what can I do to make her comfortable.
15. You're walking with someone and number 6 runs up and tackles you to the ground from behind.
Seem just like WHAT she will do. XD
16. Number 1 is crying one day and you ask him/her why and it seems their boy/girlfriend has dumped them.
The probability of this event is even lower than WIN 10 jackpot in a row straight.
17. Number 2 offers to bake you a meal. As you sit in the other room, the kitchen suddenly aflame.
She forget to turn off the gas again. XD
18. Number 4 comes to your door one day holding a koala.
Probably another gift from her boyfriend
19. Number 4 just got u an x-box.
You are in my mind man!
20. Number 1 thinks he/she's overweight.
She always thinks like that.
21. Number 7 looks lonely.
She really needs a boyfriend that can take care of her.
22.Number 2 asks you rudely to go leave him/her alone.
Okay but I'll be there always for you.
23. Number 5 and 3 decide to throw a surprise party for you.
And this is the most SURPRISE party i ever had.
24. Number 6 decide to dye her/his hair in another color. What do you say about that?
I'll tease her XD
25. Number 7 tells you he/she is going to go out for a while, and then later you hear about a shooting where he/she went.
I'll tried my best to contact her before i try to do anything.
26. Number 1, 3, 5 and 6 all tackle at you once. Is it possible?
Probably its on my birthday XD
Sunday, July 19, 2009
不要脸 和 犯贱 之间
从来 抢夺 一向不会有所谓的 腼腆
野心从这里延伸到 天 的另一边
所以 给我闭嘴我的你统统负责供给一点也不准减
( 又有谁 曾看过 我的脸 )
所谓的节俭 是要看谁的脸 放在谁的脸上 看着 谁的 脸
( 其实 还是拳头 最保险 )
这就是 强权 权 权 权
不顾一切 永远是当 利益 在前边
贪心叠起来 边 看不见
因此 不管你要不要总而言之我就是要这样 给我 炼
( 快点 快点 再多一点 )
其实环保只是让我 赚一圈再一圈 的 多一圈 的 再多一圈
( 要不要我再重复 重点 )
我管你是苛刻还是危险 最重要是赚钱 钱 钱 钱
当 我和你撕破脸
当 我和你翻脸
最后其实是谁在 犯贱
把 自己窒息在自己的 制造的 不要 的里面
野心从这里延伸到 天 的另一边
所以 给我闭嘴我的你统统负责供给一点也不准减
( 又有谁 曾看过 我的脸 )
所谓的节俭 是要看谁的脸 放在谁的脸上 看着 谁的 脸
( 其实 还是拳头 最保险 )
这就是 强权 权 权 权
不顾一切 永远是当 利益 在前边
贪心叠起来 边 看不见
因此 不管你要不要总而言之我就是要这样 给我 炼
( 快点 快点 再多一点 )
其实环保只是让我 赚一圈再一圈 的 多一圈 的 再多一圈
( 要不要我再重复 重点 )
我管你是苛刻还是危险 最重要是赚钱 钱 钱 钱
当 我和你撕破脸
当 我和你翻脸
最后其实是谁在 犯贱
把 自己窒息在自己的 制造的 不要 的里面
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
0107 于IT Room留下の脚印
(因为自己牛酱死鬼大只,生病就当减肥好了 XD)
(还是这位神又是他鬼又是他的“不是人”其实要说的是:你害我的宝贝九代单传的儿子感染了H1N1? XD )
接着是我们尊贵的部长又语出惊人的表示:由于本部长觉得H1N1(亦或者Influenza A 之类的)非常的死北够力不好念,而且非常得容易导致混淆,所以本部长决定要为这个攻击全世界近100个国家和地区的新流感正名,就叫回:猪流感~
(哇老~ 不知道是我们尊贵的部长当我们的智商只有3岁,还是我们尊贵的部长的智商只有3岁? 0.o )
在这里引用老豆的一句名言:该死不必病 ~
各位看了要指着我的鼻子骂也好,回家打小人也好,我依然会每个礼拜去广场看看戏,买买书,喝喝茶的 ~
恐慌?留给各位吧! ^.^
(因为自己牛酱死鬼大只,生病就当减肥好了 XD)
(还是这位神又是他鬼又是他的“不是人”其实要说的是:你害我的宝贝九代单传的儿子感染了H1N1? XD )
接着是我们尊贵的部长又语出惊人的表示:由于本部长觉得H1N1(亦或者Influenza A 之类的)非常的死北够力不好念,而且非常得容易导致混淆,所以本部长决定要为这个攻击全世界近100个国家和地区的新流感正名,就叫回:猪流感~
(哇老~ 不知道是我们尊贵的部长当我们的智商只有3岁,还是我们尊贵的部长的智商只有3岁? 0.o )
在这里引用老豆的一句名言:该死不必病 ~
各位看了要指着我的鼻子骂也好,回家打小人也好,我依然会每个礼拜去广场看看戏,买买书,喝喝茶的 ~
恐慌?留给各位吧! ^.^
Monday, June 22, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
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